“I want to go on the dark web,” a friend said to me the other day. “What is the big deal, you ask? Isn’t that just another way to browse the Internet?” No, it’s not! Going on the dark web is no different than surfing the Web-whether you use your personal computer, a laptop, or an iPhone-on your smartphone.
The reason I am telling you this is so you don’t get all excited and think you can just go run a search for yourself and see what comes up-which you shouldn’t. The Internet is a vast place and while there are some excellent free resources available, most of them require some sort of payment before you can access the information you’re looking for. It doesn’t matter if you just want to see what you can find on someone else’s cell phone (i.e. their address and contact information) or you want to see what sort of stuff predators are looking upon women using public Wi-Fi.
You should also know that anyone with malicious intent can find their way onto the dark web. Remember the old CIA spy movies where James Bond would go into a foreign country’s capital and get on an airplane and fly around the area looking for people he was suspicious of. Well, in the real world this kind of thing is possible thanks to the global reach of the Internet. And considering how public Wi-Fi is today, it’s not hard to imagine how easily someone could get on the plane with the right Wi-Fi connection and access the dark web. Even if they didn’t, just knowing that they have this option open to them would give them the feeling that they can go on the web any time they want.
The problem is, you really don’t know if these things are true or not. For instance, there have been many claims over the years that hackers from China were hacking into the government’s networks and collecting state secrets. However, these claims were never backed by any hard evidence, just a lot of theories. So you have to think about this… can I go on the dark web links on my phone?
In the case that you can, then the answer is yes. As long as you don’t plan on using your smartphone to do anything illegal. You can’t just download anything off of a free webhosting site – you’ll run into serious legal trouble. InsteadFind Article, you just need to use a trusted Wi-Fi hotspot in a well-litlit area to browse the web.